-$3,000: Friends, the cost of caring for one young mama at Angelcare is $100 a day. An incredibly generous gift of $3,000, nurtures and cares for the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of a mama for 1 month. Do we have anyone in the room who wants to provide for the needs of a mama for 30 days with a gift of $3,000?
$2,000: You ae invited to be the first line of defense against poverty, neglect, and abuse. Your gift provides shelter and protection. A place where mamas experience the compassion and love of Christ. You are champions, your gifts are the reason that Angelcare can keep saying ‘yes’. Friends, who in the room knows a gift of $2,000 is a yes for you?
-$1,500- Your gift supports classes that are resource arms of Angelcare. Mothers in crisis are wrapped in: parenting, and life skills education. Healthcare, and financial support. You, have the opportunity to be those resource armstonight. Who do we have committing to $1,500?
-$1,000: You are part of a story tonight in changing future generations. Because, as you chose to be a part of the 2024 story of Angelcare you are choosing to be a part of redemption, healing, and hope. Whether it be a 1x gift, monthly, quarterly, or whatever your heart is lead to, who do we have committing to a gift of $1,000? Raise your hand and show us your giving!
-$750: A gift of $750 covers the cost of 1 girl for a week. Bright futures for mamas and their babies. You come alongside mamas in a vulnerable place, encouraging them towards life and a future! Friends, we are at the $750 giving level.
-$500: We invite you to make a significant gift in creating a safe and loving home. The doors are open, we are in the inaugural year of the Angelcare home. Who do we have, building into this home, hands up, who is giving at the $500 giving level?
-$250: As we move to our $250 giving level. You can leave this room knowing you were part of the story tonight. We invite you into giving that impacts futures of mamas and babies. Who would like to commit to the $250 giving level?
-$100: $100, supports a young woman at the Angelcare home for 1 day. What a joy it is to give. Your gift gets to empower mamas tonight- as they are encouraged to see their value and self-worth. Who is giving at the $100 level? Thank you!
-$50: Friends, we are at our last formal giving level tonight, we are thankful for gifts of all sizes. Whether is be weekly, monthly, or 1x, who do we have giving a gift of $50?